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Farm Stand Together Food Shelf Partner Application

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Farm Stand Together partner food shelf. We are piloting a small program in which food shelves receive a Farm Stand Together gift card to one of our partner farms. An employee or volunteer at your food shelf will then be able to use the gift card to fill in the gaps as you see fit.
Information on our partner farm stands is available on our website:
This application runs in tandem to the eater application period of April 1-April 30. We will let you know of your inclusion in this program in May.
Please email [email protected]

Food Shelf Name

Food Shelf Address

Food Shelf Hours

Food Shelf Director

Contact Information

Approximately how many families do you serve each week?

From what farms are you able to source food and how often?

What vegetables or farm fresh products do you wish you had better access to?

How would you use a FST gift card?

Are you willing and able to track purchases (day, amount, and type) and send us this information each time you use the gift card?

Are you willing and able to track purchases (day, amount, and type) and send us this information each time you use the gift card?

Please select your farm stand choice